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In our tour through the interior of the Alcazar, we can enter inside the tower, where we will see the aforementioned room and is known as the Chapel of San Eustaquio, being the royal chapel of the Catholic Monarchs. Its pointed arches6 are supported by slender columns with Gothic capitals8 that give us a greater sense of height. On the walls, we can see some incisions that could well have been made by the prisoners in the possible case that this tower had been used as a cell during the period in which the Alcázar was used as the seat of the Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition. With these marks, the prisoners would have been trying to signify themselves religiously while awaiting the pardon of the Tribunal.

We will have the possibility of seeing the interior of the so-called reception room, the main room of the tower, on the upper floor. It is covered with a ribbed vault11 resting on capitals decorated with vegetal motifs. The tower is topped by a terrace with battlements, which is reached by a stone staircase. Next to it, there is another slightly higher tower with two arches and a hipped roof.

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Momotidae was restricted to the gallery forest, Alcedinidae standing out in the river and bays. Temporal and spatial variation in the richness and abundance of the bird community of the Pantanal de Nhecolandia wetland (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil)Anhingas (Anhinga anhinga) and kingfishers (Alcedinidae) nest high up in the treetops, while the African skimmer (Rynchops flavirostris) and gulls (Laridae) nest on the sandbanks.4 Protected areas and biosphere reserves in the rainforestThe birds were classified into four groups based on how they obtain their food: seabirds, ducks and related birds, shorebirds, herons and related birds, and a fifth group called «others» where species of the families Anhingidae, Accipitridae, Jacanidae and Alcedinidae were grouped.Waterbirds of Laguna de Agua Dulce and Estero El Ermitano, Jalisco, Mexico.

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The historical fiction book that introduces Rogatino’s Red Sonya, who would serve as the inspiration for creating Red Sonja. The story, set in the 16th century, tells of the Battle of Mohács (1526) and the Siege of Vienna (1529) by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.With Gottfried von Kalmbach, a huge warrior who is a knight of the Order of St. John, escaping by making his way back to the

The historical fiction book that introduces Rogatino’s Red Sonya, who would serve as inspiration to create Red Sonja. The story, set in the 16th century, tells of the Battle of Mohács (1526) and the Siege of Vienna (1529) by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.With Gottfried von Kalmbach, a huge warrior who is a knight of the Order of St. John, escaping to Vienna, he is surprised by the independence, bravery and fierceness (maybe too much for 1934) of Red Sonya, sister of Sultan Suleiman’s mistress, Roxelana, whom he passionately hates.

A great story about a siege that was real but in this book it happens that two characters created by Robert E. Howard were present.While certainly not as exciting as other stories by this same author it is entertaining as well as being historical fiction. The siege of Vienna took place in 1529 and claimed countless lives and pitted the Muslim world against the Christian world for a city that at the time was considered the gateway to Europe, the gateway to the Western world.

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A partir del siglo XVII, los historiadores comenzaron a rechazar las motivaciones religiosas aplicadas a las cruzadas y, en su lugar, examinaron las seculares. La construcción de los estados nacionales llevó a la aplicación de interpretaciones en su apoyo y fundamentalmente discretas del ámbito religioso. Esto supuso un reto a la hora de conciliar los motivos idealistas y materialistas de los protagonistas. El internacionalismo de las cruzadas siguió siendo un obstáculo para los historiadores que deseaban proyectar tanto la idea de las cruzadas como las propias cruzadas como precedentes nacionalistas. Los pensadores de la Ilustración consideraban a los cruzados culturalmente inferiores a ellos y los protestantes los consideraban moralmente.

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En el siglo XIX, el desarrollo del nacionalismo, la política colonial y la historia crítica aumentaron el interés por el tema con fines de entretenimiento y moralización. A principios del siglo XX se desarrolló un enfoque sobre el papel que desempeñaron las cruzadas como impulsoras de la conquista medieval, la economía y el legado que dejaron. La historiografía de las cruzadas sigue evolucionando y abarca un amplio abanico de temas.

Por Pablo Mariscal

Soy Pablo Mariscal periodista especializado en tecnología e informática. Entre mis intereses se encuentran la realidad virtual y la programación, pero mi principal objetivo son las noticias. Llevo cinco años escribiendo sobre tecnología y tres como periodista independiente.