Fundraising Strategies

You’ve likely been asked for money for charities, causes and people in need through crowdfunding sites, social media platforms and other online fundraising platforms. Here are some ways to avoid donating to a scammer.

But a dishonest business person might lie about the project or product and about the development period. And he or she might lie about the rewards donors will receive when the product is finished.

If you participate in social media, you’ve probably seen posts from people asking for donations. Pay attention to who is asking for money and who will receive it. Don’t assume that a donation request posted on social media is legitimate or that the hyperlinks are correct simply because a friend posted it.

If you work for a charitable organization that is considering using an online fundraising platform to raise funds for the organization, read the recommendations for Online Charitable Giving Portals.

Fundraising project

It’s a good idea to create at least one custom graphic (try using Canva) for your contest. Ideally, use your own hashtag. You can also contact a local celebrity who has a lot of influence on social media, and ask them to share the news about your contest. Another option is to use local media.

Of course, a contest is not considered a contest until there is a deadline to enter it, or several rounds of participation with increasing challenges. Choose a deadline to convey a sense of urgency to your supporters.

When fundraising for a charity, supporters will often ask for ways to help other than donating. Ask them to help with volunteer work, which can then be converted into funds.

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Fundraising in English

Our mission is to train the best Professional Activists in the face to face world, turning them into leaders not only in the media but also in society; our goal is that our leaders generate positive and real changes.

AP Fundraising stands out for its professionalism; we not only guarantee the fulfillment of objectives but also the exponential growth of our clients and collaborators. We get involved 100% to develop their projects and continue growing together, we have reached a high level of competitiveness, reaching the highest quality standards demanded by our clients, becoming their right hand.

In AP I have learned that there is value in everything, that all the experiences we have serve to make us a better person, that by being surrounded by the right people, your potential can emerge and that goals can be achieved with effort.

Usually people work for a long time in the wrong jobs, you know how I know that? Because I have been in jobs where taking any risk was not worth it, because it is just following a simple line, and you know how I change that? Because if there is a place where you are allowed to be great, where you can grow and get everything within your reach, AP is a family, where you will be allowed to demand the best of yourself. What has always been within you. Every day is a new day, an opportunity to risk, grow and be part of the change, that’s why I am AP!

Examples of fundraising

You’ve likely been asked for money for charities, causes and people in need through crowdfunding sites, social media platforms and other online fundraising platforms. Here are some ways to avoid donating to a scammer.

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But a dishonest business person might lie about the project or product and about the development period. And he or she might lie about the rewards donors will receive when the product is finished.

If you participate in social media, you’ve probably seen posts from people asking for donations. Pay attention to who is asking for money and who will receive it. Don’t assume that a donation request posted on social media is legitimate or that the hyperlinks are correct simply because a friend posted it.

If you work for a charitable organization that is considering using an online fundraising platform to raise funds for the organization, read the recommendations for Online Charitable Giving Portals.

Por Pablo Mariscal

Soy Pablo Mariscal periodista especializado en tecnología e informática. Entre mis intereses se encuentran la realidad virtual y la programación, pero mi principal objetivo son las noticias. Llevo cinco años escribiendo sobre tecnología y tres como periodista independiente.