Que hacer hoy en navarra

Royal palace of olite

But hey, maybe you have more days and you want to make a tour around the Reyno in which you can enjoy a bit of everything: activities in nature, cultural visits, attending shows or discovering our gastronomy…

Because apart from a first class local product, the culinary tradition of this land is proudly shown in every corner, in places that go beyond restaurants, steakhouses and cider houses: its streets, its festivities…

You will not stop taking pictures of our most impressive places. So bring the battery of your mobile well charged and then you know, to share in your social networks with the hashtag #visitnavarra and see who of the group gets more «likes».

Come on, sport with friends is fashionable: you challenge yourself, you have a few laughs and it is also a way to encourage the laziest. If you are the sporty one in the group, it’s your turn to organize a route, hiking or biking?

Because this land is a crossroads, with a rich and varied past whose splendor has been impregnating its towns and cities to become destinations of an enviable artistic wealth.

Spanien must-see

And we cannot fail to mention the traditional and patron saint festivals that are celebrated throughout the Community -San Fermín, Carnivals, patron saint and ethnographic festivals…- which are a clear example of the idiosyncrasy and essence of Navarre.

If your stay is going to be short, be sure to visit our four tops, those that have earned their fame, and from them other outstanding towns and monuments that we recommend you to visit if you extend your trip a little bit; we assure you that it will be worth it.

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If you want to know in detail our history and culture, we recommend you to do it with the local guides, professionals proud of their land who know it inside out. A way to make the most of your time and get the most out of your visit.

It is impossible to explain the cultural heritage of the Kingdom without its majestic architecture, in which kings, queens and rulers of all times did their part to give us today a Navarre full of castles, religious buildings and other civil buildings:

Royal bardenas

Sport with friends is fashionable: you challenge yourself, you have a few laughs and it is also a way to encourage the laziest ones. If you are the sporty one in the group, it’s your turn to organize a route, hiking or biking? Ah! you need to release adrenaline? then your thing is active tourism:

These are places where nature, sport and fun are mixed in a single park. Here you can come and jump from zip lines several meters high, cross hanging bridges, do water activities and even see animals in their natural habitat, but they offer much more, all of this in a park that is a real «all in one». But they offer much more, all in an environment that is perfectly integrated into nature: laughter is guaranteed.

In Navarre you can breathe culture, because this land is a crossroads, with a rich and varied past whose splendor has been impregnating its towns and cities to become destinations of an enviable artistic wealth, and a good example of this are these great plans that we propose for your trip with friends.

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And we cannot fail to mention the traditional and patron saint festivals that are celebrated throughout the Community -San Fermín, Carnivals, patron saint and ethnographic festivals…- which are a clear example of the idiosyncrasy and essence of Navarre.

If your stay is going to be short, be sure to visit our four tops, those that have earned their fame, and from them other outstanding towns and monuments that we recommend you to visit if you extend your trip a little bit; we assure you that it will be worth it.

If you want to know in detail our history and culture, we recommend you to do it with the local guides, professionals proud of their land who know it inside out. A way to make the most of your time and get the most out of your visit.

It is impossible to explain the cultural heritage of the Kingdom without its majestic architecture, in which kings, queens and rulers of all times did their part to give us today a Navarre full of castles, religious buildings and other civil buildings:

Por Pablo Mariscal

Soy Pablo Mariscal periodista especializado en tecnología e informática. Entre mis intereses se encuentran la realidad virtual y la programación, pero mi principal objetivo son las noticias. Llevo cinco años escribiendo sobre tecnología y tres como periodista independiente.