Andalusian migas

Grandparents say that the harder the bread is, the better, and this has an easy explanation: it takes less water and is easier to cook. The migas experts also say that if we mix two types of bread, the better. We can put half bread of one type and half of another.

In the frying pan where we have fried the meat we add the bread that we have drained. We begin to chop with a wooden or metal scraper (of a material that does not deform and we can give it with force) and we do not stop moving them to help it to dry the water that can be left at the same time that the crumb is cooked.

After a while we add again a bowl of flour without stopping moving, so up to three bowls of flour. This way, the crumbs will be fine, dry and very loose. This is achieved thanks to the flour and the cook’s arm that moves them with energy. Season to taste.

Migas alpujarreñas

From a nutritional point of view, this is an elaboration that gives us the opportunity to eat, in the same dish, most of the nutrients we need every day. Although the caloric contribution of this dish is high, you must take into account that the main fat contribution comes from olive oil, a product rich in unsaturated fatty acids that has proven to be a great ally in the prevention and fight against various ailments.

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The preparation of the gachasmigas or migas is simple but somewhat laborious, since it is necessary to work the dough for about 30 minutes to get the crumbs to form. In any case, the effort is more than worth it.

In Murcia it receives the name of longaniza a kind of thin elongated sausage that is usually consumed fresh or cured, in this occasion we will use it as fresh as possible. In the same way, the sausage used is usually fine and fresh.

Migas from extremadura

Grandparents say that the harder the bread is, the better, and this has an easy explanation: it takes less water and is easier to cook. The migas experts also say that if we mix two types of bread, the better. We can put half bread of one type and half of another.

In the frying pan where we have fried the meat we throw the bread that we have drained. We begin to chop with a wooden or metal scraper (of a material that does not deform and we can give it with force) and we do not stop moving them to help it to dry the water that can be left at the same time that the crumb is cooked.

After a while we add again a bowl of flour without stopping moving, so up to three bowls of flour. This way, the crumbs will be fine, dry and very loose. This is achieved thanks to the flour and the cook’s arm that moves them with energy. Season to taste.

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Bread crumbs

In this case, I bring to cosmorecetas blog the recipe of migas de harina, typical of many places in Andalusia. More specifically, this recipe comes from a village in Almeria, although other types of migas, such as those from Murcia are also very similar to these.

The migas de harina is a recipe for people with cooking experience since both the type of flour, the pan where it is cooked or the mixing movements are key to get delicious migas.

1. The most important thing to prepare delicious migas is the flour used. Not just any type of flour can be used. It has to be a special one designed for the preparation of migas. Normally, this flour is of durum wheat semolina.

3. So that the crumbs are perfect the movement that we make when cooking them is key. The movements of the squeegee have to be enveloping and cutting. In the following video we show how to make them.

I started Cosmorecetas in 2020 during the time we were locked up at home. Having a lot of free time I spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying different dishes. Then I decided to mix cooking with my other great passion: web programming. For this reason I decided to open this blog where I post the different recipes that I cook.

Por Pablo Mariscal

Soy Pablo Mariscal periodista especializado en tecnología e informática. Entre mis intereses se encuentran la realidad virtual y la programación, pero mi principal objetivo son las noticias. Llevo cinco años escribiendo sobre tecnología y tres como periodista independiente.